Just Build It.

An onchain documentary about the first year of base.

An onchain documentary that captures the story of base - from the first day of Onchain Summer ‘23, through the first historic first year and onwards as base spreads across the globe.

A 15 minute documentary for release in December ‘24, onchain, online and IRL, that forms the first chapter of a longer documentary slated for release during Onchain Summer ‘25.

Join The Producer Room, contribute to the story and earn yourself a Producer’s credit.

“We think that a lot of the growth and utility of crypto is going to be non-financial.

It’s going to be cultural, social, gaming and community.

It’s going to be this cultural core that creates the innovation and creativity, that ultimately draws the rest of the world in.”

— jesse.xyz: contributor#1 Base

basecamp ‘24

Base mainnet was deployed from the mountains of Idyllwild during FWB FEST 2023. Our story begins in the same place one year later during Basecamp 001, a gathering place for the based community @ FWB FEST ’24.

based builders

The story will be narrated by the based builders - the people, platforms and protocols that are building based culture, commerce and commons.

based culture

The visuals for the film will be sourced from the based community and MoBA, The Museum of Based ARTFKTS, a onchain collection of over 1100 pieces of historic art, memetics and base culture.


The goal of the film is be accessible to the widest audience possible, across the widest number of platforms, to help bring more builders to base with inspiring stories.

It will be released onchain, online and IRL at selected film festivals and conferences and wherever the based gather.

based producers

Make your onchain mark on the history of Based culture with your ENS/name immortalised in the film credits as a Producer and the chance to help shape the narrative in The Producers Room.

We have three tiers of Producers.

    • Associate Producer credit on the film end credits.

    • Token-gated Telegram to get involved in the production

    • Exclusive online premiere of the final film

    • Co-producer credit on the end titles of the film & posters

    • Token-gated Telegram to get involved in the production.

    • Edit previews and feedback sessions.

    • Exclusive online premiere of the final film

    • Exclusive mints.

    • Executive Producer credit on the end titles of the film, posters and social.

    • Token-gated Telegram to get involved in the production

    • Edit previews and feedback sessions.

    • Exclusive online premiere of the final film

    • Exclusive mints.

    • Edit previews and feedback sessions.

    • Exclusive online premiere of the final film

    • Exclusive mints.

Contact @deebee for your invite to The Producer’s Room


  • Defining ‘IT’

    I realised recently that I don’t want to be ‘So Early’ any more.

    I just want the world to be onchain and get on with having a collectively better life. And while it’s no longer a matter of if but when the world comes onchain, we still have work to do.

    In UFO podcast episode 43, (Nov '23) Jesse opens with the following thought (paraphrased slightly)

    “We think that a lot of the growth and utility of crypto is going to be non-financial. It’s going to be cultural, social, gaming, community. It’s this cultural core that creates the innovation and creativity that ultimately draws the rest of the world in.”

    I think he is right.

    BASE has enabled a rich cultural layer of innovation to evolve on Ethereum that couldn’t exist before. An onchain infrastructure that is ushering in the next era of the internet through a cultural lens.

    The Infraculture.

    While ‘Just Build It’ has become the rallying call of The Based, the layers of meaning are lost to many.

    We need story to persuade more online users to migrate their lives onchain and become Onchain Citizens. To build and connect and grow and in turn bring more users with them.

    That’s the Why? that gave birth to the idea of the film.

    The story is too important not be told

    Because I don’t think any of us want to be So Early any more.

  • 'Just Build It' is an onchain video documentary that captures the story of the first year of Base and the cultural ecosystem it has enabled, told by the builders, venture culturalists, artists, ethrepreneurs, memeologists, and DAOists who have shaped Based culture.

    The film will look back at how we got here, where we are going and most importantly how we persuade millions to join us on the journey

    The film reveals the emerging network of protocols, platforms and sub-cultures that have Built on Base and how the early experiments in Culture, Commerce and Commons are creating an onchain ecosystem that will help bring the world onchain and what that actually means to the future of culture, commerce and the commons.

  • SUPERCHAIN [+] STUDIOS was founded by deebee.eth as an onchain video production brand to produce a seven part series - Builder Original - commissioned by Builder DAO that reveals the story of seven DAOs that have launched on Nouns Builder protocol. The series is currently in production.

    You can watch the series here: https://www.superchainstudios.xyz/builder-originals

    The long-term mission of SUPERCHAIN [+] STUDIOS is to create an onchain hub for producing documentaries and media to transform online users into Onchain Citizens of The Superchain.

    deebee can be found on Farcaster here: https://warpcast.com/deebee

    And at https://deebee.works

  • Purchase of Producer tokens should not been seen as an investment of any kind and buyers should not expect any monetary return